When you own an instrument on Club Penguin, ensure that it is the only thing you are wearing/carrying and that should resolve all problems surrounding the playing of them.
You can't wear anything on your penguin except the instrument you want to play, then click danceFirst, you have to go to the Lighthouse, then you click on where a box has instruments is it, then you buy a instrument, then you take all your clothes off (but, you keep your instrument on). Then press D to play your instrument!!NOTE: you must be a member to do this!
Not on the current Club Penguin but I think that they have old Club Penguin on Penguin Chat.
Penguins hate club penguin. The creators of club penguin hate club penguin. I hate club penguin, and that's all that matters. A rough estimate....OVER 9,000!!!! people hate club penguin.
When you own an instrument on Club Penguin, ensure that it is the only thing you are wearing/carrying and that should resolve all problems surrounding the playing of them.
You take off all of your penguin's clothes and just wear the instrument and press D on your keyboard. Have fun playing your instrument!
You can get it every July when the Music Jam is there
Take of everything except for that certain instrument. Then make your penguin dance.
In the lighthouse there is a instrument catologue for everyone.
usually u can get some at music jam
you have to take all of your clothes of and only where the insterement
You need to wear only a musical instrument and dance.
all you do is press d! (but don't wear any clothes!)
NoNo, there isn't a Club Penguin Heaven.You can't die on Club Penguin.
Club penguin club penguin club penguin club penguin guffins guffins guffins
You have to take everything off except your instrument and then dance and you will play it. You should probably go to the lighthouse because then you can hear your instrument.