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You can't wear anything on your penguin except the instrument you want to play, then click dance
First, you have to go to the Lighthouse, then you click on where a box has instruments is it, then you buy a instrument, then you take all your clothes off (but, you keep your instrument on). Then press D to play your instrument!!

NOTE: you must be a member to do this!

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12y ago
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13y ago

take off all of your clothing on your penguin and then put on the instrument and then click D on your keybord

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Q: How do you play instruments on club penguin?
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What keys on the keyboard are to be pressed in order to play instruments in Club Penguin?

To play instruments on Club Penguin, you simply press D.

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you can only play your guitar or instruments wearing a music jam tshirt

Club Penguin users?

Club penguin users are the people who play club penguin.

Can you play Club Penguin on a phone?

you cant play club penguin on the phone

How do you play instuments on club penguin?

You have to buy it.If you bought it,then u press dance to play it.You have to be a member to buy stuff and instruments.

Where do you get instruments on club penguin?

In their virtual magazines in the shops.

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Is Club Penguin hard to play?

No. Almost anyone can learn to play Club Penguin.

What to do when you play club penguin and you make an account for club penguin and then you do not get the email?

you cant play it

What was the first Club Penguin play?

Space adventure was the first club penguin play

How many people play Club Penguin?

120,000,000 people play club penguin!

How do you play Club Penguin elite penguin force on the PC?

That is passed. There is no way you can play club penguin in 2010. Although there are some club penguin private servers (CPPS) which never update so they take you back in time in club penguin.