Penguins hate Club Penguin. The creators of club penguin hate club penguin. I hate club penguin, and that's all that matters. A rough estimate....OVER 9,000!!!! people hate club penguin.
120,000,000 people play club penguin!
in many places around club penguin, such as the sewers..
0 u cant have any pairs of socks on club penguin
There are 10 cards in a Club Penguin Card-Jitsu starter deck.
Everyone, they are so annoying. So theres your answer!
120,000,000 people play club penguin!
many people like Club Penguin better than Runescape and no people like Runescape more than Club Penguin.
Last summer, 750.000 people in the UK played Club Penguin.
Less than 2% of people who are on club penguin don't have a membership
PrizeRebel and Club Penguin are two different websites. Many people use PrizeRebel to gain free Club Penguin memberships.
As of December 2011, there are over 150 million profiles on Club Penguin.
None. Club Penguin was not released until 2005.
There are 240 million people on club penguin, so that many penguins. There are also 2 people registering every second.