* 175xp With a regular Hatchet
* 350xp With a Sacred Clay Hatchet
* 385xp With a Volatile Hatchet
You will need around 67,566 yew logs cut to get from level 75 Woodcutting to 99. a deuce load of yews im on 70wc so I need a deuce load
Here's an exp chart and how much it would take to max out your woodcutting. Wllows:166,881 Yew:64,369 Magic:45,058 ====================================== 1-30 I woulds suggest oaks and logs near lumby. 30-40 Willows. 40-74 Ivy. 99-99 Magics! For many! Congratz 99 Wcing! Also, use those logs for 99 fm!
It is best to use an online skill calculator to figure out this kind of questions - for example, the skill calculator at runescape.salmoneus.net. Note that yew is not a good option to train woodcutting - yew gives you the most experience per log (in free-to-play), but it takes a long time to cut each log. Willow will give you experience faster.It is best to use an online skill calculator to figure out this kind of questions - for example, the skill calculator at runescape.salmoneus.net. Note that yew is not a good option to train woodcutting - yew gives you the most experience per log (in free-to-play), but it takes a long time to cut each log. Willow will give you experience faster.It is best to use an online skill calculator to figure out this kind of questions - for example, the skill calculator at runescape.salmoneus.net. Note that yew is not a good option to train woodcutting - yew gives you the most experience per log (in free-to-play), but it takes a long time to cut each log. Willow will give you experience faster.It is best to use an online skill calculator to figure out this kind of questions - for example, the skill calculator at runescape.salmoneus.net. Note that yew is not a good option to train woodcutting - yew gives you the most experience per log (in free-to-play), but it takes a long time to cut each log. Willow will give you experience faster.
This depends on what type of log you cut and which hatchet. with the new release of ivy, it is possible to get 80,000 experience per hour or more. if you use sacred clay hatchets leveling is much faster even getting 100k exp/hour. yew logs with a dragon hatchet give approx 45k exp per hour while dragon hatchet at willows gives 50k exp per hour. another possible alternative would be to chop teaks. you can get around 85k exp per hour with dragon hatchet. But you must drop the logs, since their is no bank. i would say with dragon hatchet woodcutting 99 at yews would take about 250 hours. chopping ivy with sacred clay hatchet takes around 100-150 hours including the time to get hatchets. I do not recommend getting the hatchets. i would not suggest doing magic logs as the experience is so low (like 35k exp or less per hour) and the 100k coins per hour isn't worth it. yew logs offer just about the same profit, if not more, and give much more exp. Good Luck, and Have Fun..Add me if you have any more questions my username is Lightz Off
between 180-200
Chop trees. Logs, Oak Logs, Willow, Yew.
level 99 woodcutting.
You will need around 67,566 yew logs cut to get from level 75 Woodcutting to 99. a deuce load of yews im on 70wc so I need a deuce load
each log is 175 exp 28*175 4.9k
Yes. In general, a higher woodcutting level not only gives you access to better logs, it also lets you cut them faster.
35k yew
At 63, you would probably get in between 120-150
Depends on your Woodcutting level, what axe you are using and how long you play per day.
there is two ways to make a lot of cash. 1 chop yew trees, yew logs are worth around 500 gp a piece. 2 chop magic trees, aka mage trees, logs are worth 1000-1600 gp.
This needs more detail.. But here is my best. If you're talking about Fire making, you need approximately 63,016 Yew logs. If you're talking about Woodcutting, you need approximately 72,919 Yew logs. Last but not least if you're talking about Fletching; You need approximately 189,048 Yew Logs to make Yew Short-bow (us) <--(Unstrung). You need approximately 94,524 Strings and Yew Short-bow (us) <--(Unstrung) to make a Yew Short-Bows. or You need approximately 170,143 Yew logs to make Yew Long-bow (us) <--(unstrung) You need approximately 85,072 Strings and Yew Long-bow (us) <--(unstrung) to make Yew Long-Bows.
The Axe now called hatchet was to cut down tree like logs,oak,willow,yew and magic tree to get your woodcutting skill up