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It is best to use an online skill calculator to figure out this kind of questions - for example, the skill calculator at Note that yew is not a good option to train woodcutting - yew gives you the most experience per log (in free-to-play), but it takes a long time to cut each log. Willow will give you experience faster.

It is best to use an online skill calculator to figure out this kind of questions - for example, the skill calculator at Note that yew is not a good option to train woodcutting - yew gives you the most experience per log (in free-to-play), but it takes a long time to cut each log. Willow will give you experience faster.

It is best to use an online skill calculator to figure out this kind of questions - for example, the skill calculator at Note that yew is not a good option to train woodcutting - yew gives you the most experience per log (in free-to-play), but it takes a long time to cut each log. Willow will give you experience faster.

It is best to use an online skill calculator to figure out this kind of questions - for example, the skill calculator at Note that yew is not a good option to train woodcutting - yew gives you the most experience per log (in free-to-play), but it takes a long time to cut each log. Willow will give you experience faster.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

It is best to use an online skill calculator to figure out this kind of questions - for example, the skill calculator at Note that yew is not a good option to train woodcutting - yew gives you the most experience per log (in free-to-play), but it takes a long time to cut each log. Willow will give you experience faster.

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Q: How many yews logs to cut get to 99 woodcutting?
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How many willow logs would you have to chop to get from level 90 to level 99 woodcutting?

You need to cut like 113,898 willows for 90 to 99 Woodcutting. But I seriously recommend yews.

How many yew logs would you get from woodcutting to 99 from 75 on runescape?

You will need around 67,566 yew logs cut to get from level 75 Woodcutting to 99. a deuce load of yews im on 70wc so I need a deuce load

What are some Rune scape money making ideas?

There are many ways to make money by skills by f2p. Woodcutting Get your woodcutting 30 then cut willows till 70 woodcutting then go to edge ville and go cut yews there and its not necessary to get 70 woodcutting yo can go cut yews with 60 woodcutting. Combat: go kill coachroach soldiers if you have over 60 combat level and hope they drop rune scimitars or rune square shield. Fishing: get your fishing over 40 and make sure you have the explorer ring cabbage teleport then go to karamja with 40 fishing then fish lobsters then keep teleporting to draynor (cabbage teleport) and go bank then get 30gp then go do the same. these are the three good ways to get high Money N MillionS.

How many magic logs will it take to get from 87 to 99 woodcutting?

You've got about 9m exp to go, and each magic log gives 250 exp, so you'll need to cut around 36k magic logs.

How much money do you make with 75-99 Woodcutting with magic tree?

75-76 You make about 1m. my calculations are : Xp from 75-99 is about 11.77m. so times that buy 250=47k logs. 47k of magic logs = about 65.8m in cash =) I'm not sure if that is totally correct but I'm sure its close. This was on 08 April 2010 Magic trees are a lot slower than yews. To actually have decent speed, cut yews till 95 and then mages from 95-99. 75-95 is about 20 mil with yews and 95-99 with mages is about another 23 mil. So that's about 43mil total. But from 75 to 99 doing all mages, youll end up with 99 wc being 90 years old still a virgin.

Related questions

How many willow logs would you have to chop to get from level 90 to level 99 woodcutting?

You need to cut like 113,898 willows for 90 to 99 Woodcutting. But I seriously recommend yews.

Do you cut magic logs fast at 99 woodcutting because im wondering if i should get 99 wc to make lot of money off magics?

Magic logs aren't that good of money. You cut them slow no matter what your woodcutting level is. Yews are the best woodcutting money you can get. You cut them fast, there are a lot of them and there is a high demand for them. So yeah, go for 99wc but do it for yews not magics.

How many yew logs would you get from woodcutting to 99 from 75 on runescape?

You will need around 67,566 yew logs cut to get from level 75 Woodcutting to 99. a deuce load of yews im on 70wc so I need a deuce load

How do you get to 99 woocutting in RuneScape?

cut willows until level 70 woodcutting then cut yews until 99.

What is the best tree to cut down to raise my woodcutting level quickly on runescape since I am not a member?

cut willows till you can cut yews ~key

Should you cut magic logs or yew logs at 99 woodcutting?

For cash go with mages, they are slower exp and cutting but they sell for alot more. Yews still fetch a nice price. Personally id head to the mage training minigame north of duel arena and chop the ones there

How long does it take to cut 1000 mages logs at 84 woodcutting?

about 10 hours :(

For non-members you woodcut yews if not over 60 cut willows to get over 60 for members is fleching or woodcutting magic logs but u need 75 wood cutting?

yes... I think. the question is stated weirdly though try and re ask it

Do you always get yew logs faster when you're woodcutting level increases in Runescape?

Yes. In general, a higher woodcutting level not only gives you access to better logs, it also lets you cut them faster.

I am level 75 woodcutting in Runescape should I cut willows or cut eucalyptys logs for xp?

willows are the best xp for a non member they have about 65 xp per log but i sagest to cut eucalyptys since they are faster to cut than yews and give a addionall 165xp the only known place to cut these are west of oO'glog which is surrand'd by wolves and ogres!!

Where is the best place to firemake in RuneScape?

the best place might either be the wilderness volcano or nardah, if you ask me the best place is the wilderness volcano. if you cut your logs, magic logs are your best bet if you wanna get woodcutting xp along the way. if u just want fire making over with and to cut your logs, cut yews. if u are gonna buy your logs, the cheapest way is to use willows, but that takes forever and 1.7m. if you just wanna spend a decent amount of cash but not too much buy maples (3mil). but if u really are rich and just want it over with, don't use magic logs, use yews, it costs like 15mil that way but that's the 2nd fastest way. the fastest is magic logs, its a waste of money, they aren't that much faster than yews, if you were to ask me the best choice is to use maple logs and spend like 3.5m doing that.

How do you get rich on runscape?

It depends, if you like combat, kill flesh crawlers, if you like woodcutting, cut yews. It depends on what you like. it all is trial and error.