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This depends on what type of log you cut and which hatchet. with the new release of ivy, it is possible to get 80,000 experience per hour or more. if you use sacred clay hatchets leveling is much faster even getting 100k exp/hour. yew logs with a dragon hatchet give approx 45k exp per hour while dragon hatchet at willows gives 50k exp per hour. another possible alternative would be to chop teaks. you can get around 85k exp per hour with dragon hatchet. But you must drop the logs, since their is no bank.

i would say with dragon hatchet woodcutting 99 at yews would take about 250 hours.

chopping ivy with sacred clay hatchet takes around 100-150 hours including the time to get hatchets. I do not recommend getting the hatchets.

i would not suggest doing magic logs as the experience is so low (like 35k exp or less per hour) and the 100k coins per hour isn't worth it. yew logs offer just about the same profit, if not more, and give much more exp.

Good Luck, and Have Fun..Add me if you have any more questions my username is Lightz Off

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Q: How long does 99 woodcutting take?
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I bet a few hundred people are pondering over how long it will take. From 78 Woodcutting to 99 Woodcutting can take from months to weeks, depending on what you want. You either can go for Money or Experience; Ovbiously everyone would want Money, However! The money way will take any where from 3months to a year. The easier route (That would make more money in the long run) is Ivy the 2009 Update, currently the fastest way to 99 Woodcutting. Requiring 68 Woodcutting, it is VERY popular. This is the best route.

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This entirely depends on what level you are starting at and what you are using to train the skill.

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like a week if u play for 2-3 hours a day

81 to 99 woodcutting how long?

It depends on which tree you want to train on.

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you should stop woodcutting

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2 to 3 weeks or a month depends on how much u play

How long will it take you from 65 woodcutting to get 99 on runescape cutting willows with a dragon hatchet?

It depends on the average hours you spend wc'ing a day.