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Less than a pound

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Q: How much does a ps2 game weigh?
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How much money is the sims3 for PS2?

$30-$45 The game is not made for the PS2

How do you convert a PC game disc to playstation 2 disc?

You do not the Game much be developed for the PS2 by the developers and formatted for the PS2

How much is a PS2 controller in game stop?

I bought two Ps2 controllers at Game Stop for 10 bucks each!

How much does The rapper the Game weigh?

228 lb

How much is The Sims 2 life Story for the ps2?

Ir is not a PS2 game but a PC expansion pack for The Sims PC game

How much is a ps2 at game stop?

New PS2 consoles sell for $99.99 just about everywhere

If you trade in 10 PS2 games and a ps2 how much money will you get back?

the money you will get depends on what game it is.

How much does the game mlb2k10 cost for PS2?


What is a PS2 game?

a game for ps2

How much does mafia 1 cost for ps3?

It is a PS2 game

How much does a ps2 weigh?

The article I read said only 900 grams or about 2 pounds

How much will FIFA 10 for ps2 cost?

You can buy the new game on amazon for $37.68 The used game is much less and even FIFA 11 for PS2 is under $20 new