There is none the software for an emulator like PCSX2 uses the PS2 bios to allow a PC to run the PS2 game software and not to change the game to a PC game. The PS2 game is much harder to set up and play than if you could just make it a PC game
There is no software which will convert a PS2 Game Disc into a PC game Disc. PS2 emulation could allow a PC to play a PS2 game if you could find and download a reliable emulation
It does not exist. If it did the companies that sell the games would quickly release the PS2 titles for the PC and the PC titles for the PS2. They would pay a fortune for such a program and quickly recover the money invested selling the different games
you r install in PC ps2 emulter and bios and play ps2 games
no PS2 game can be used on a PC
No games are not converted you can convert the platform or PC with emulation, but not the game.No PS2 games are software designed to run in the PS2 and the PC games software is not designed for the PS2s operation or hardware
No there is poor quality software that will allow a PC to try to play the PS2 game, but none that will convent a PS2 game into a PC game
There is no software which will convert a PS2 Game Disc into a PC game Disc. PS2 emulation could allow a PC to play a PS2 game if you could find and download a reliable emulation
Nothing converts a PS2 game into a PC game. A PCSX2 emulator and the PS2 bios will allow some PS2 files to run in a PC as PS2 games
i want to download free software to convert ps2 game CD to play on PC
The PC would need software to run a PS2 game. The only software that exists is still in the Beta or development stage at this time.
A PS2 can not play PC games. The games are software and can be written to any device by game developing teams. It is just not something you can convent.
Games are not converted a PS2 game is always a PS2 game or a PC game is always a PC game. Just because a developer can release games in multiple formats does not mean they can be converted. They are software that has to be rewritten for the game to work in the other systems
There is the PCSX2 that does not convert your game but allows your PC to use your PS2 bios to play some PS2 games
No the software was designed to be run by a PC
The following link will run a PS2 file in a computer that also has a PS2 bios loaded Official English PCSX2 configuration guide v0.9.7There is no software that converts a PS2 game to a PC game or every marketable game would be available in PC form
A PS2 does not play a PC game, but it is a Nintendo Game and also not played by the PS2