On generation 4 and above, level it up to level 21. It doesn't get to learn ice fang below generation 4.
Feraligatr cannot learn Ice Punch naturally however a Move Tutor can teach Feraligatr Ice Punch in "Pokémon Platinum," "Pokémon HeartGold" and "Pokémon SoulSilver."
You must go to the Frontier Front and talk to a man inside a house. He will offer to teach feraligatr ice punch, but for 64 B.P.
It should learn it as it gains level, but if it doesn't then go to a move tutor that takes heartscales and give him a heartscale and he shall teach floatzel ice fang.
No, there is an ice beam but no ice fang.
Ice Fang. Gyarados has not good special attack and coincidentally Blizzard is a special move type. Whilst Gyrados has a good physical attack, Teach it ICE FANG!
Feraligatr cannot learn Ice Punch naturally however a Move Tutor can teach Feraligatr Ice Punch in "Pokémon Platinum," "Pokémon HeartGold" and "Pokémon SoulSilver."
you need a heart scale to give to the move tutor in pasroria city, then he'll teach your arodactyl ice fang.
You must go to the Frontier Front and talk to a man inside a house. He will offer to teach feraligatr ice punch, but for 64 B.P.
It should learn it as it gains level, but if it doesn't then go to a move tutor that takes heartscales and give him a heartscale and he shall teach floatzel ice fang.
I'm not sure how but i know how to get a Pokemon that has a ice type move. starter:totodile, learns ice fang when at croconaw stage evolution chain of totodile: TOTODILE---->CROCONAW---->FERALIGATR
go to the guy in pastoira city for a heart scale he will teach fire,ice,and thunder fang.
No, there is an ice beam but no ice fang.
Ice Fang. Gyarados has not good special attack and coincidentally Blizzard is a special move type. Whilst Gyrados has a good physical attack, Teach it ICE FANG!
Feraligatr can learn Hydro Pump at level 58 in Pokemon Crystal.
Luxray can only learn Ice Fang from breeding. To get a Luxray that knows Ice Fang you need to breed a female Shinx with a male Piloswine that knows Ice Fang. The resulting egg will be a Shinx that knows Ice Fang upon hatching.
You can teach it through a TM OR hove that dude who lets ur Pokemon REMRMBER a move in Pastoria
feraligatr only learns like 5 or 6 moves plus the option of hydro cannon so im going to tell you all the moves through out the day you get/got tododile to the day you get a lv 100 feraligatr. feraligatr starts with 2 moves scratch & leer then he learns water gun,rage, bite, scary face, flail,agility,crunch,slash,screech,thrash,aqua tail,superpower,and lastly hydro pump.somewhere in there he learns ice fang but i don't know when since i kept it forever bonus:once you get to blackthorn city there is a house on the left of the Pokemon cednter it will have four people talk to the old man on the right he will ask you if you want an ultimate move (for feraligatr) tap yes and he will teach your feraligatr hydro cannon p.s. i don't know the levels