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Feraligatr can learn Hydro Pump at level 58 in Pokemon Crystal.

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Q: How can i teach feraligatr hydro pump in Pokemon crystal?
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How do you teach feraligatr hydro cannon in Pokemon heart gold?

Yes, if you go to Blackthorn City, there is a old man in the Move Tutor house. He teaches all the starter Pokemon their ultimate move. In the case for water type is Hydro Cannon, fire is Blast Burn, and grass is Frenzy Plant.

How do you get a feraligatr with ice punch in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You must go to the Frontier Front and talk to a man inside a house. He will offer to teach feraligatr ice punch, but for 64 B.P.

What moves does feraligatr learn?

feraligatr only learns like 5 or 6 moves plus the option of hydro cannon so im going to tell you all the moves through out the day you get/got tododile to the day you get a lv 100 feraligatr. feraligatr starts with 2 moves scratch & leer then he learns water gun,rage, bite, scary face, flail,agility,crunch,slash,screech,thrash,aqua tail,superpower,and lastly hydro pump.somewhere in there he learns ice fang but i don't know when since i kept it forever bonus:once you get to blackthorn city there is a house on the left of the Pokemon cednter it will have four people talk to the old man on the right he will ask you if you want an ultimate move (for feraligatr) tap yes and he will teach your feraligatr hydro cannon p.s. i don't know the levels

Where do you find the TM hydro cannon in diamond?

There isn't a TM for Hydro Cannon. You water Pokemon learn it from a guy in the desert at route 228. His house will be by a pond. Go in and talk to him and he will teach your Pokemon Hydro Cannon (water types only). Note: You have to be well bonded with your Pokemon before he will teach it.

How do you get ice beam in Pokemon Crystal?

There is no kind of TM in Pokemon Crystal version that can teach your Pokemon ice beam. The only way to get it is to learn it naturally.

Related questions

How do you teach feraligatr hydro cannon in Pokemon heart gold?

Yes, if you go to Blackthorn City, there is a old man in the Move Tutor house. He teaches all the starter Pokemon their ultimate move. In the case for water type is Hydro Cannon, fire is Blast Burn, and grass is Frenzy Plant.

How do you get a feraligatr with ice punch in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You must go to the Frontier Front and talk to a man inside a house. He will offer to teach feraligatr ice punch, but for 64 B.P.

What is the best Pokemon to teach waterfall on Pokemon Gold?

Try either kingdra or feraligatr, they are absolute pwnage in battle and waterfall is a good move for them

What moves does feraligatr learn?

feraligatr only learns like 5 or 6 moves plus the option of hydro cannon so im going to tell you all the moves through out the day you get/got tododile to the day you get a lv 100 feraligatr. feraligatr starts with 2 moves scratch & leer then he learns water gun,rage, bite, scary face, flail,agility,crunch,slash,screech,thrash,aqua tail,superpower,and lastly hydro pump.somewhere in there he learns ice fang but i don't know when since i kept it forever bonus:once you get to blackthorn city there is a house on the left of the Pokemon cednter it will have four people talk to the old man on the right he will ask you if you want an ultimate move (for feraligatr) tap yes and he will teach your feraligatr hydro cannon p.s. i don't know the levels

Where do you find the TM hydro cannon in diamond?

There isn't a TM for Hydro Cannon. You water Pokemon learn it from a guy in the desert at route 228. His house will be by a pond. Go in and talk to him and he will teach your Pokemon Hydro Cannon (water types only). Note: You have to be well bonded with your Pokemon before he will teach it.

How do you get ice beam in Pokemon Crystal?

There is no kind of TM in Pokemon Crystal version that can teach your Pokemon ice beam. The only way to get it is to learn it naturally.

Which is better Blastoise or feraligatr?

It depends whether you want a strong attacker or a Pokemon that just screws the opponent over. Feraligtr is a good Pokemon to have if you don't have very many offensive Pokemon on your team, although it's type is not very good seeing that it is a physical water-type Pokemon. If you do want to get a Feraligtr, teach it only physical moves and throw in Ice Punch, too. Blastiose is a Pokemon that can be used to screw the opponent over. Use Blastoise as a defensive Pokemon (Defense and Special Defense). Teach Blastoise moves that will tick the opponent off, like Toxic. Also teach Blastoise moves like Hydro Pump or Hydro Cannon so that it can deliver a punishing blow. Also teach it a move that will boost Special Attack. Overall I'd go with Blastoise. Its Defense and Special Defense make it a useful "wall" in a Pokemon team.

How do you teach sky attack to Charizard in Pokemon crystal?

i don't think it possible

Where do you get hydro cannon?

There is a house on route 228 and there is an elder that will teach Pokemon "special" moves to "special" Pokemon he has a note on wall which Pokemon can learn those moves.

Is waterfall stronger than hydro pump?

Depends on what pokemon you'll teach it to, waterfall is more accurate (100) but lacks power (80), hydro pump is powerful (120) but it lack accuracy (80). When you teach it to a pokemon, watch it's stats, if it's a water type with higher attack than special attack teach waterfall to it, if it has better special attack stat teach water pump to it. Waterfall when talking about water pokemon, goes as attack, but hydro pump and surf as special attack.

How do you learn hydro cannon in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl?

go to a man in the desert are (hes in a house) if you have bonded strongly enough he ll let empoleon learn it the best water type move and i also suggests to teach ice beam and blizzard to empoleon too.

How do you teach your Pokemon to swim in crystal?

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