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Feraligatr cannot learn Ice Punch naturally however a Move Tutor can teach Feraligatr Ice Punch in "Pokémon Platinum," "Pokémon HeartGold" and "Pokémon SoulSilver."

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Q: When does feraligatr learn ice punch?
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What level does feraligatr learn ice punch?

There, Feraligatr can not learn Ice Punce Naturally You Have to learn Ice Punch By going to the move tutor Note : This only works for Pokemon Platinum, Heart Gold, and Soulsilver

How do you get a feraligatr with ice punch in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You must go to the Frontier Front and talk to a man inside a house. He will offer to teach feraligatr ice punch, but for 64 B.P.

What level does buizel learn ice punch?

buizel doesn't learn ice punch, but floatzel can learn ice punch

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It learn ice punch at level 36

What level does electabuzz learn ice punch?

He doesnt learn ice punch

How can floatzel learn ice punch?

Floatzel does not learn ice punch. Floatzel does not learn any ice type attacks naturally and must learn ice type moves via TM.

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Sneasel can only learn ice punch by having a parent, Buneary, that knows the movie. Sneasel cannot learn ice punch through any other method.

What level does floatzel learn ice punch?

Floatzel does not learn Ice Punch when it levels up. It is a BP move. If you want it to learn Ice Punch, it has to first be a Buizel and give it the BP move. If it is already a Floatzel then it will not work.

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What level does totodile learn ice punch?

Totodile is a water type of Pokemon which you can get as a starter in generation 2. It will not learn ice punch by leveling it.

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