You can teach it through a TM OR hove that dude who lets ur Pokemon REMRMBER a move in Pastoria
It should learn it as it gains level, but if it doesn't then go to a move tutor that takes heartscales and give him a heartscale and he shall teach floatzel ice fang.
Floatzel does not learn ice punch. Floatzel does not learn any ice type attacks naturally and must learn ice type moves via TM.
If you have a Floatzel, teach it 2 of the Five: Ice Fang Water Gun Swift Brine Aqua Jet The best move I would say: Surf and Waterfall
Floatzel does not learn Ice Punch when it levels up. It is a BP move. If you want it to learn Ice Punch, it has to first be a Buizel and give it the BP move. If it is already a Floatzel then it will not work.
buizel doesn't learn ice punch, but floatzel can learn ice punch
It should learn it as it gains level, but if it doesn't then go to a move tutor that takes heartscales and give him a heartscale and he shall teach floatzel ice fang.
Floatzel does not learn ice punch. Floatzel does not learn any ice type attacks naturally and must learn ice type moves via TM.
If you have a Floatzel, teach it 2 of the Five: Ice Fang Water Gun Swift Brine Aqua Jet The best move I would say: Surf and Waterfall
Floatzel does not learn Ice Punch when it levels up. It is a BP move. If you want it to learn Ice Punch, it has to first be a Buizel and give it the BP move. If it is already a Floatzel then it will not work.
buizel doesn't learn ice punch, but floatzel can learn ice punch
Provided you have the cost of 6 Blue Shards and 2 Red Shards, Floatzel can learn Ice Punch at the Route 212 Move Tutor. It might just be easier to go with Ice Fang that just requires one Heart Scale.
Gyrados can learn Ice Fang when leveled up. If you chose TOTODILE as your starter Pokemon, it will also be able to learn Ice Fang.
Luxray can only learn Ice Fang from breeding. To get a Luxray that knows Ice Fang you need to breed a female Shinx with a male Piloswine that knows Ice Fang. The resulting egg will be a Shinx that knows Ice Fang upon hatching.
Croconaw learns Ice Fang (Ice, Physical) at level 21.
No, Empoleon cannot learn Ice Fang by any means in Platinum. It can, however, learn Ice Beam, Blizzard, and Avalanche by TM.
Drapion can learn thunder fang, fire fang, ice fang and poison fang Drapion learns thunder, fire and ice fang at the start, you just need some heart scales It learns poison fang at level 39
It can through breeding...