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try using the move 'mean look' on it so it cant escape.

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Q: How do you stop Mesprite from fleeing in Pokemon platinum?
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How do you stop mispirit Articuno moltres and Zapdos from fleeing in Pokemon platinum?

you cant stupid

How do you stop the foe from fleeing in Pokemon platinum?

you need a wobbufet or wynaut because they have shadow tag so put that Pokemon in the front of your party or you can get a octillery if your trying to catch a fleeing Pokemon

What Pokemon prevents escapingfleeing?

Pokemon with mean look can stop Pokemon from fleeing

Why do some Pokemon vanish in Pokemon Pearl?

if you mean vanish as in flee like mesprit, cresselia, moltres zapdos and articuno, its because they are supposed to do that and they do that in platinum and diamond too. you can only get moltres zapdos and articuno in platinum. to stop them from fleeing, you should have masterballs or a TRAPINCH in your first slot but you cant switch out because it knows sand trap or whatever its called to stop Pokemon from fleeing or have a haunter or any ghost Pokemon that knows mean look or a sudowoodo that knows block and USE those moves IMMEDIATELY when you see them. hope i helped! :)

What item stops Pokemon fleeing in Pokemon soul silver?

There are no items that stop Pokemon from fleeing in battle in Pokemon soulsilver.Although this is true:You can catch a Pokemon that knows, Arena trap,and/or a Pokemon that knows mean look, such as a Ghastly.

How do you stop Pokemon from appearing in Pokemon platinum?

use a repel

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you cant

What item can stop Pokemon from fleeing?

use a pokemon that is a higher level than the pokemon you are facing and use "mean look".That way,the pokemon can't escape.

How do you make a legadary dog on Pokemon LeafGreen stop fleeing?

You either capture it, or using a Pokemon like haunter use mean look to stop it from running away.

How do you stop team steam in Pokemon light platinum?

you can stop team steam when you stop it

Can you trade Pokemon pearl for Pokemon platinum at game stop?

Probably... go check.

What do you after you use the secret key in Pokemon platinum?

stop being a Pokemon playin douche