you need a wobbufet or wynaut because they have shadow tag so put that Pokemon in the front of your party or you can get a octillery if your trying to catch a fleeing Pokemon
payday is a move that attacks the foe with money and you also earn money after battle even if it is a wild Pokemon battle.SO COOL!
Use a Pokémon that knows the move Mean Look, or use a Pokémon that prevents the foe from fleeing such as Wobbuffet.
TM 84 contains the move Poison jab. This TM is located on route 212. This move has a power of 80 and can poison the foe (a really nice move)
If the Pokemon holding it becomes infatuated, so does the foe.
Flame Charge by a milestone. Well, that's my opinion. Fire Spin - Minimal damage on foe Pokemon but have the foe's Pokemon 'trapped' in a fire spin, damaging it a little at the end of their round. Flame Charge - Average damage on foe Pokemon (depending on type), raises Speed at the end of your round by one stage.
payday is a move that attacks the foe with money and you also earn money after battle even if it is a wild Pokemon battle.SO COOL!
Use a Pokémon that knows the move Mean Look, or use a Pokémon that prevents the foe from fleeing such as Wobbuffet.
Keith Sweat's Platinum House - 2010 Friend or Foe was released on: USA: 12 July 2010
TM 84 contains the move Poison jab. This TM is located on route 212. This move has a power of 80 and can poison the foe (a really nice move)
you cant capture ur foes Pokemon it is impossible
Embargo is a move that stops the foe`s Pokemon from using handheld items and also stops the foe from using items on the Pokemon that u used embargo against inother words... nothing in the way of handheld berries that the Pokemon is holding or any item that the foe has can be used on that Pokemon that has been hit by embargo confusing isn't it...(:
If the Pokemon holding it becomes infatuated, so does the foe.
Worry Seed is a move that changes the foe's ability to Insomnia. But it will not work if the foe's ability is Traunt.
Chances are, your Machoke has No Guard as an ability. Though it makes all of your attacks hit, always, the foe that aims at you, gets the same accuracy boost.
Flame Charge by a milestone. Well, that's my opinion. Fire Spin - Minimal damage on foe Pokemon but have the foe's Pokemon 'trapped' in a fire spin, damaging it a little at the end of their round. Flame Charge - Average damage on foe Pokemon (depending on type), raises Speed at the end of your round by one stage.
Growl lowers the foe's attack by one point.