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Have a Pokemon with the move called Mean Look, which Golbat is a primary choice to have this move. The move Mean Look prevents the Pokemon from fleeing or switching out during a battle and can be very useful in a battle like this. You cannot stop Mesprit from permanently fleeing, however. It is recommended to bring a Pokemon with any sleep status moves like: Hypnosis, Sleep Powder, Yawn, etc. to further the effect.

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Q: How do you stop mesprit from fleeing?
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How do you keep mesprit from fleeing?

You can use a Move like Scary Face...

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Mean Look prevents a pokemon from fleeing in from battle. It's useful when catching Cresselia and Mesprit, if that's what you're after.

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You could just use pokesav?

Why do some Pokemon vanish in Pokemon Pearl?

if you mean vanish as in flee like mesprit, cresselia, moltres zapdos and articuno, its because they are supposed to do that and they do that in platinum and diamond too. you can only get moltres zapdos and articuno in platinum. to stop them from fleeing, you should have masterballs or a TRAPINCH in your first slot but you cant switch out because it knows sand trap or whatever its called to stop Pokemon from fleeing or have a haunter or any ghost Pokemon that knows mean look or a sudowoodo that knows block and USE those moves IMMEDIATELY when you see them. hope i helped! :)

What Pokemon prevents escapingfleeing?

Pokemon with mean look can stop Pokemon from fleeing

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It is when the operator of the vehicle intentionally maneuvers so as not to be stopped by the traffic stop and continuing on when ordered to stop.

How do you stop mispirit Articuno moltres and Zapdos from fleeing in Pokemon platinum?

you cant stupid

How do you stop Cresselia from fleeing?

It will keep fleeing unless you have a Pokemon with Mean Look or something like that so it won't escape. Try catching a wild Golbat. The same is for Mespirit.

How do you stop the foe from fleeing in Pokemon platinum?

you need a wobbufet or wynaut because they have shadow tag so put that Pokemon in the front of your party or you can get a octillery if your trying to catch a fleeing Pokemon

How do you stop mesprit?

go between 2 cities or towns back and forth until mesprit is in your area, the once it's in your area walk in the grass or water near you until it appears. finally once you battle mesprit, throw a quick ball. that's how i caught it.