by not spending any and then playing games
you buy it a bed an make it sleep it will automatically do it
Club Penguin : PSA Mission No. 9 Operation Spy & Seek You will have to make a kite in this mission. The best way to make anything is to start with a plan. For a KITE plan chat to Garry or just take the the one on the wall!! Add sticks and string and your done. Now for the MINE and the Sea. Good luck.
with the black puffle you make it mend the door
put it on the fire place you make then give your puffle a puffle o
if its on herberts revenge G gives it to you
you have to have the herberts revenge game on the ds
you need to go to wi-fi settings and make sure your Primary DNS and yourSecondary DNS are correct.
Go on to youtube and type in how to make copy on clubpenguin
They make clubpenguin at a base in canda using high tech computer softwaere and flash 9.
Air + snake = kite
You take your kite to the top of the mountain and when you have the kite in your "hand" you click the pole and the you have it!
People make blogs for Clubpenguin to either get famous on the game, or just because there bored!
to make a crib for your clubpenguin baby buy two comfy couches connect them and there you go hope this helped.(:
make every one in clubpenguin 100 penguins your buddy. send letters go on clubpenguin every day and therre
u cant make spring on clubpenguin.....but, clubpenguin changes into spring when it begins.... sooo i think,spring will come on the 20th which is on Saturday.