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You cant change your puffles name once you have named it. If you really want to rename it, then let the one you have run away then buy a new one and name it a new name.

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Q: How do you change your puffles name in clubpenguin?
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What is the limit for puffles on clubpenguin?

20 puffles for members and 2 puffles for non-members.

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Can puffels on clubpenguin have babies?

No, Puffles can not have babies!

Do you get banned from clubpenguin for the code rainbow puffles?

no no

How can you get more than 20 puffles on clubpenguin?

you can unlock puffles in the unlock items book

How do you get puffles?

how do u get puffles on clubpenguin wow ok go to clubpenguin go to the plaza go to the pet shop go to the puffle cage and umm buy them?

How do you find all the puffles in clubpenguin?

All of the puffles in club penguin are located in the pet shop catalog.

How do you change your clubpenguin name?

You Can't Change Your Clubpenguin Name Once You Have Created It Unless You Make Another Penguin.

In clubpenguin how do you find puffles?

You don't find them. You buy them at the Pet Shop.

Can you turn into a puffle on clubpenguin?

you can not but you can buy up to 12 puffles if you are a member

How do you get free puffles on clubpenguin?

You can't, they cost 8,000 coins EACH.