In final stand you keep your weapon you were holding and eventually you can get up if you don't get shot. In last stand you pull out an M9 pistol and after about 15-20 seconds you automatically die. :P
Last Stand - Pull out your pistol before dying. Last Stand Pro - You can use the equipment that you have set for that class
There are a couple of ways to counter last stand. The first and most obvious is to go for headshots. Or when shooting someone put another couple of bullets into the target so that you will kill him and not put him in last stand. If there is someone in last stand do not charge him, rather keep some distance and fire from behind cover.
nothing is diffrent son is gukus last name that's why they call him son goku.
You die
the 3000 and 3001 are the same but the 3000 is japan, 3001 is US. the last one or two digits is just the region
It was the east stand last year
There is no such thing as final stand pro only last stand pro and it allows you to use any gun instead of a pistol.
Last means the end or final. Least means the smallest amount. eg If he missed the last train he could not get home. eg He was short of money and bought the least number possible.
There is no difference Galilei is Galileo's last name.
Kill an eney with a C4 while you are in last or final stand.
Get a game-winning kill while in Last Stand. I am uncertain if Final Stand would work too.
there is no difference between both the armies because both of them are bad.
The last major battle was Custers Last Stand.
the only real difference is that the last airbender is the american version and the legend of aang is the european version....
By getting 20 kills with last stand. (last stand pro is when you can use equipments when you are in last stand such as grenades and claymores)
Some say it isn't possible, but I think if you have the Final Stand deathstreak and the Last Stand perk enabled, and you are very very good with a pistol, that you can achieve that.