The number at the end is the region code. PSPs are region locked, but this applies to movies only, not games, a PSP from one region can play any region's games, but it may affect any online use. PSP-3000 is the general name for the 3000 series range, but '3000' specifically is the Japanese regional model, 3001 is North America.
the psp 3001 came out in 2008
there isn't a difference. its just like the i pods. there is a gen. 1000 a gen. 2000 and a gen 3000. but if ur talking the difference between a psp gen. 3000 or a psp go then the psp go is smaller. u have to have online for it. and u cant buy regular game disks for it.
The PSP 3000 is the third generation of the PSP system, there is also a PSP 2000 (AKA slim). a PSP 1000 (AKA phat). and the PSP go, which is the most recent iteration of the PSP.
There is no difference,it's only the model number.The European version is 3000 where as in Asia it is 3004.
There is a psp 1000, 2000 and 3000. The newest is the psp 3000
yes if you want to hack another psp you have to buy psp-3001
They are virtually identical. The 3000's lower buttons are rounder, rather than semi-circular on the 2000. The 3000 has an 'advanced' screen, and a built-in microphone.
actually the psp 3000 came out after the psp slim but the only dfference i know is that it has better picture quality.
The number at the end is the region code. PSPs are region locked, but this applies to movies only, not games, a PSP from one region can play any region's games, but it may affect any online use. PSP-3000 is the general name for the 3000 series range, but '3000' specifically is the Japanese regional model, 3001 is North America.
the psp 3001 came out in 2008
there isn't a difference. its just like the i pods. there is a gen. 1000 a gen. 2000 and a gen 3000. but if ur talking the difference between a psp gen. 3000 or a psp go then the psp go is smaller. u have to have online for it. and u cant buy regular game disks for it.
The PSP 3000 is a LITTLE slimmer and it automatically comes with PlayStation Network The Software is also higher
The two major differences are: 1. 3000 has a built-in microphone!!! 2. 3000 has an anti-glare screen!!!
The PSP 3000 is the third generation of the PSP system, there is also a PSP 2000 (AKA slim). a PSP 1000 (AKA phat). and the PSP go, which is the most recent iteration of the PSP.
There is no difference,it's only the model number.The European version is 3000 where as in Asia it is 3004.
The number at the end is just the region code, they are not upgraded versions, just ones made specifically for different areas.