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the psp 3001 came out in 2008

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Related questions

What is the difference between PSP 3000 and PSP 3001?

the 3000 and 3001 are the same but the 3000 is japan, 3001 is US. the last one or two digits is just the region

Is the PSP 3001 the newest rightnow?

There is a psp 1000, 2000 and 3000. The newest is the psp 3000

What is a PSP 3001?

A PSP-3001 is a handheld gaming device manufactured by Sony. This game device is an update for other PSP game devices, but it will still allow the player to play older games on the device.

Where can you find the model number for your psp 3001?

You have to use a app. Just google your exact question, and plenty answers will come up.

What is the master reset code for Sony PSP-3001?


What is the master reset code for Sony PSP 3001?


Is There A hack available for Psp 3000 With a sony firmware 6.00?

yes if you want to hack another psp you have to buy psp-3001

What brand is psp 3001?

The Playstation Portable is designed and manufactured by Sony.

Can a PSP 1000 screen be placed in PSP 3001?

No, the screens are different for all three models, different thicknesses, different connectors, etc.

Is PSP 3001 newer then PSP 3000?

The number at the end is just the region code, they are not upgraded versions, just ones made specifically for different areas.

How do you downgrade your PSP-3001 from version 6.00 to 5.03 or lower?

Actually you cant, even if it is said to be done it can not be done.

How do you downgrade psp 3001 5.54 firmware?

you cant yet trust me i have tried and so have others, not possibel yet...............................................