first go to celistic town.Then go to the east. then go down the 3rd ledge and into the cave there, in that cave you can find unown
You find it in the solaceon ruins after you catch all the unown.
u find tm40 in Pokemon platinum next to the purple farting giraffe in the Unown cave in Solaceon town.
Below Veilstone City in the Digging Maniacs cave after catching a whole bunch of different Unown.
You can find the M form of Unown in the Solaceon Ruins of Pokemon Platinum. This form of Unown appears in the dead-end rooms of the Ruins.
salaceon town ruins where you find the unown
You find it in the solaceon ruins after you catch all the unown.
an unown
Nope. You can only have single Unown.
u find tm40 in Pokemon platinum next to the purple farting giraffe in the Unown cave in Solaceon town.
In the cave where you find the unowns right at the end where you find unown d
go to solcoan town and go into the ruins then wonder about and a wild unown (pokemon 114).
You go into the ruins where you find unown and run around in a dead end until you find one. It worked for me! The Cheat Master