go into the vardian city go into the mart ad get the oaks parcel and go to pallet town and give it to professor oak
you can't i think this is not the best guy to answer it.
press a next to the water after teaching surf to your pokemon. hm surf is given to u by an old guy in the safari zone.
you need the national dex
Take it to Cinnabar Island go into the lab give the guy the fossil leave come back and then you will get an Aerodactyl
Go to the bridge to the right of vermillion city.Talk to the guy inside the house to the top of the brigde.He'll give you a super rod.
you can't i think this is not the best guy to answer it.
Specify which place on the map?
you go to the safari zone city and to the left of the Pokemon center there is a house go in there talk to the guy and he is the move deleter
trade a poliwhirl to the old guy in the house next to the pokemon center in misty's city
He is in the one island Pokemon center he's the guy with the glasses near the big machine.
Give the fossil to the guy, walk out, and immediately walk back in. It's instantaneous.
You have to go to island 1 and talk to the computer guy, then go to island 3 and beat up some team rocket peoples and then get past a bunch of wild slugma and stuff and you will find the ruby. Take the ruby back to the computer guy on island one and he will allow you to trade between ruby and leaf green.
Warden is a Guy , Situated in Fuchsia City , The House Next to the Pokemon Center . (On The Right of the Pokemon Center ) .Hope i Helped , If i did , Recommend me Please .
you get it in the tower in lavender town when you help the old guy that is being attacked.From Mr. Fujiyou have to get him from the top of the Pokemon tower
complte the poke dex the go to the proffessor guy, i used the action replay
Well you go to the safarie zone and at the end a guy will give you a hm surf