First you need a magmar leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness can get magmar trade magmar to ruby then breed it hatch the egg to receive magby.
If You want to catch magby in Pokemon pearl you have to: Insert a Pokemon leafgreen game in the GBA slot. Goto stark Mountain and search there eventualy you will find a magby if u don't start using pokeradar then u will find it Good Luck<(-_-)>
To get magmarizer you need to catch a wild Magby. Some have them holding it as an item. Or if you already have a Magby, get a Pokemon that knows snatch, confront a wild one and natch it away. You can find Magbys in mount stark with a copy of LeafGreen inserted during the day, if you do not already have one.
I assume you mean is Magby in Ruby, the answer is no since Magby/Magmar can only be found in Leaf Green or Pokemon XD
If you breed magmar and ditto you will receive an egg hatch it to get magby.
You have to trade it from somewhere else. I think you get Magby instead of Togepi in LeafGreen in the Water Labrinyth.You will need to breed a magmar you can get one from leafgreen or Pokemon xd gale of darkness, then hatch the egg to get magby.
in leafgreen well that's what i heard.if you do not have leafgreen then i am not the person to ask
Magby can be found in route 227 but you have to use a pokeradar and you HAVE to have Pokemon leafgreen inserted in the ds
Get an egg from ditto and magmar put together, when it hatches u get magby. Easy
You get it by capturing a magby in your Pokemon Diamond or Pearl. You do the insertion trick with Pokemon Leafgreen, and you can find Magby on route 227 and on Stark Mountain. In Diamond, Magby have a magmatizer about 5% of the time. In Peral, Magby have a magmatizer about 50% of the time.
If you're refering to Magby you must breed from Magmar.
If you're refering to Magby you must breed from Magmar.
First you need a magmar leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness can get magmar trade magmar to ruby then breed it hatch the egg to receive magby.
you can only get it by inserting Pokemon leafgreen and fing a magby then evovle it to a magamar then evovle to magmizer