To get magmarizer you need to catch a wild Magby. Some have them holding it as an item. Or if you already have a Magby, get a Pokemon that knows snatch, confront a wild one and natch it away. You can find Magbys in mount stark with a copy of LeafGreen inserted during the day, if you do not already have one.
Turtwig is a starter Pokemon in Pear, Diamond and Platinum or you can obtain through trade
Well it is like Pokemon diamond and pearl. You just move around with Pokemon! But have a Pokemon with the ability flame body or magma armor in your party to cut the number of steps in half! I will dumb it down put the egg first in ur party then put a fire Pokemon next with a magmariser or sumthin (optional)
Pokemon diamond
you cant be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
Pokemon 134 is Finneon in diamond
evolve from pistachio.
it doesn't evolve by raising levels. you need a magbee that is holding a magmariser and give it to magmar trade and it evoves in to magmortar
It does not exist in LG/FR.
trade from Pokemon diamond/pear
In Pokemon Diamond and Pearl the magmariser can be found on wild magby. Magby can be obtained at Stark Mountain, when Pokemon Leaf Green is inserted into the bottom of the DS. In Pokemon Platinum the magmariser can be found on route 214 and on wild magmar. Magmar can be found at the Fuego Ironworks. In Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver you obtain it in Cinnabar Island by using Rock Climb.
there is NO lord volroc is Pokemon diamond or pear or anywhere
you can get it at the trophy garden
get a magmar make it hold it then trade it, it will evolve into magmortar
Pokemon Pear [and Diamond] is located in the Sinnoh region. You will not be able to get to the Johto region unfortunately. Sorry.
Turtwig is a starter Pokemon in Pear, Diamond and Platinum or you can obtain through trade
Well it is like Pokemon diamond and pearl. You just move around with Pokemon! But have a Pokemon with the ability flame body or magma armor in your party to cut the number of steps in half! I will dumb it down put the egg first in ur party then put a fire Pokemon next with a magmariser or sumthin (optional)