you cant be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
Pokemon 134 is Finneon in diamond
where are special key in Pokemon diamond where are special key in Pokemon diamond
You can not get dark Pokemon on Pokemon diamond and pearl
Lightning Star isn't a move.
No, luxray does not learn lightning star in Pokemon diamond. Its one of luxray's moves on a Pokemon card, but lightning star doesn't exist on the shows or the video games. Its weird, I'd really like it to become a real move in diamond or pearl but some moves are just made up for the card game to be different.
circle=common diamond=uncommon star=rare shiny star=extremly rare circle=common diamond=uncommon star=rare shiny star=extremly rare
a star is rare a diamond is uncommon and a circle is common RARE...............................................UnCoMmOn.......................common
A dot is a common, a diamond is an uncommon, a star is a rare, and if it's a holo, it will have a shiny picture and a star. Reverse holos will have the non-picture part shiny.
Pokemon diamond Pokemon diamond Pokemon diamond
you cant be a Pokemon in Pokemon diamond
She is not in Pokemon diamond.
Um acually in Japan it is the star of what kinda is the sequal of Pokemon diamond but it will probably come out in English in a couple of years
There is no Pokemon temple! There is such thing as Pokemon diamond.
Chingling is the 47th Pokemon in Pokemon Diamond.