First you need a magmar leafgreen and Pokemon xd gale of darkness can get magmar trade magmar to ruby then breed it hatch the egg to receive magby.
you must trade or migrate a magmar/magby from another DS Pokemon game or Pokemon ruby/sapp etc trade a magmar while it is holding a magmarizer for it to evolve into a magmortar
magby and the legendary heatrani no there are fire pokemon..
If You want to catch magby in Pokemon pearl you have to: Insert a Pokemon leafgreen game in the GBA slot. Goto stark Mountain and search there eventualy you will find a magby if u don't start using pokeradar then u will find it Good Luck<(-_-)>
Magby will start to evolve into Magmar as soon as it hits Level 30.
in firered
I assume you mean is Magby in Ruby, the answer is no since Magby/Magmar can only be found in Leaf Green or Pokemon XD
Nowhere. Magby cannot be found in the wild in Pokemon Ruby through normal gameplay. It must be traded to that game from either Pokemon Emerald or LeafGreen.
Magby is a Fire type pokemon.
Magby will evolve if it has max friendship with its trainer.
You can't catch a Magmar in Ruby or Sapphire just in LeafGreen.
It's not. That's a pokemon only found in Gen3 (AKA Hoenn, AKA Ruby, Saphire, and Emerald). It can be traded in though.
Magby is the Fire type baby Pokemon that evolves into Magmar. In Pokemon Diamond, wild Magby may be encountered on Route 227.
Sorry you can't catch magby, but you can still breed magby with magmar.
You can catch Magby by Feugo Ironworks.
Magby evolves at Level 30.
You can catch magby in the white forest