Take it to Cinnabar Island go into the lab give the guy the fossil leave come back and then you will get an Aerodactyl
amber kauto and amdrie
That item doesn't exist in leafgreen.
Use a moon stone on it.
there are no dawn stones they were not introduced until Pokemon diamond and pearl
Get a shellder then use a water stone on it and it will evolve into a cloyster.
amber kauto and amdrie
its in pewter city..
That item doesn't exist in leafgreen.
? What is a dark stone?? Do you mean Moon Stone?
This item only exists in firered and leafgreen.
with a fire stone.
use moon stone
Who cares? that's the question
vulpix,growlite and evee
you can buy them in celadon
buy it in celedon mall
you find them in mt.moon