i herd you can find it in victory road. But i checked and it's a voltorb like in Pokemon blue yellow red And the not finished version Pokemon green. just kidding I'm not sur if its there or not I will check.
No wild Pokemon hold the item razor claw but you can find razor claw at Route 224, Victory Road and available to buy at the Battle Tower (D/P) -Clensen
Razor claw was an item introduced in 4th gen, to evolve sneasle. Weavile didn't exist in the 3rd gen games, so you cannot obtain a Razor claw in Emerald as it didn't exist.
There is no item that ALWAYS makes your Pokemon go first, but quick claw does let them go first more often.
Make Sneasel hold the item 'Razor Claw' and level him up at night. He will then evolve into Weavile and will no longer be holding a Razor Claw.
You get it as a battle dome item after you get enough battle points.
No wild Pokemon hold the item razor claw but you can find razor claw at Route 224, Victory Road and available to buy at the Battle Tower (D/P) -Clensen
A Razor Claw is a hold item in the Pokemon games that increases the critical hit ratio of the Pokemon that holds it. It can be won at the Battle Frontier in the fourth generation and on the Battle Subway in the fifth generation as well as on Route 13.
Sneasel evolves by letting it hold a Razor Claw and then leveling it up at night.
Razor claw was an item introduced in 4th gen, to evolve sneasle. Weavile didn't exist in the 3rd gen games, so you cannot obtain a Razor claw in Emerald as it didn't exist.
you get it in an item
Sneasel evolves by giving it the Razor Claw item and then leveling it up at night.
There is no item that ALWAYS makes your Pokemon go first, but quick claw does let them go first more often.
A Razor Claw can be found on Mirage Island and Cresent Isle, which a Item Finder is required to find these items.
To make Sneasel evolve, you must give it the hold item Razor Claw and level it up at night.you use a razor claw
i saw it once in the ahtlete shop ( in the pokeathlon ) and i think it was 3000 pts. that is probably the easiest way to get a razor claw. let me guess, you are trying to evovle sneasel into a weavile. i hope you get a razor claw! -RR14 ***IMPROVEMENT*** You can also get it in the Battle Frontier For 48 BP ;) ~DoYouFeelTheTrance
To evolve sneasel, you have to give it the item "Razor Claw" and level it up at night. It won't work at day.
Make Sneasel hold the item 'Razor Claw' and level him up at night. He will then evolve into Weavile and will no longer be holding a Razor Claw.