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While I have not seen it in my Pokemon Black, Pearl and Soul Silver, I don't think it will happen in any versions. I will notify you if I do.

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Q: Can you get kidnapped in a Pokemon game?
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Can you kidnapped a Pokemon?

no >.>

In what episode of Pokemon does Ash May Brock or Max get kidnapped?

In Pokemon Episode 308 May ans Max get kidnapped and tied up in a web. In Pokemon Episode 390 May gets tied up in rope and Ash gets kidnapped.

What Episode of Pokemon was ash kidnapped?

Ash was never kidnapped on purpose. But he some times was kidnapped by mistake. But the episode was in Season 4-5. If you ever have any questions about Pokemon you just let me know!

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The episode in which Pikachu got kidnapped by a Pokémon Hunter is called "Mutiny in the Bounty."

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It was episode 892

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Kidnapped. As in "My child was KIDNAPPED!"

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