No wild Pokemon hold the item razor claw but you can find razor claw at Route 224, Victory Road and available to buy at the Battle Tower (D/P)
In order to get a razor claw you need to have Gilgar hold the razor fang at night and level up. You can find a razor fang on Route 214.
It has to hold a razor claw and evolve it at night.
1. Equip Razor Claw and hold it for Sneasel.2. Level up your Sneasel at night and it should evolve into Weavile.Sneasal Evolves if you level it up while it holds the razor claw at night
Make Sneasel hold the item 'Razor Claw' and level him up at night. He will then evolve into Weavile and will no longer be holding a Razor Claw.
To evolve Sneasel, you must level it up at night while having it hold a Razor Claw. Notes: 1. You can only evolve it if you are playing a Gen. IV game or later, because its evolved form, Weavile, did not appear before Gen. IV. 2. A Razor Claw can be found in Diamond, Pearl, Platinum on Route 224, Victory Road, Battle Tower, Battle Frontier, and in The Team Galactic HQ (Platinum only.) Hope this helped!
you make it hold a razor claw and level up at night.
Sneasel evolves by letting it hold a Razor Claw and then leveling it up at night.
let it hold a razor claw & then train it in the time of 7:00pm-4:00 am
In order to get a razor claw you need to have Gilgar hold the razor fang at night and level up. You can find a razor fang on Route 214.
It has to hold a razor claw and evolve it at night.
You'll need to make it hold the Razor Claw and evolve it at night.
Make gligar hold a razor claw and level it up at night
its pointless leveling up your gligar because it will not evolve unless it is holding a razor fang and then level it up the same goes for sneasel exept it needs to hold a razor claw hope i helped and good luck:P
A Razor Claw is a hold item in the Pokemon games that increases the critical hit ratio of the Pokemon that holds it. It can be won at the Battle Frontier in the fourth generation and on the Battle Subway in the fifth generation as well as on Route 13.
Yes. Have your Sneasel hold a Razor Claw and then level it up during the night.
In the Battle Frontier. Or you can get it on another game, have a Pokemon hold it, and then send it to SS/HG using 2 DSs or the GTS.
To make Sneasel evolve, you must give it the hold item Razor Claw and level it up at use a razor claw