you cannot. its impossible. swampert is an evolved form of a STARTER pokemon
from the HOENN region, which you do not go 2 in soul silver.
you find it in the wild in johto region
You can find wild Houndour in route 7 and in the Safari Zone. From there, evolve it into Houndoom.
You'll need to trade for it from Pokemon HeartGold. It is not avilable in the wild in Pokemon SoulSilver.
surf in the ocean part of pal park. i found my swampert lv. 53 there. Hope this helps! Nano
Wild Ledyba can be found in the wild on Routes 2, 30, 31, and 37 in the morning only (4 am through 11 am, I think). Otherwise, you can Headbutt trees to find them.
in the wild
Swampert can't be found in the wild. You have choose Mudkip as your starter Pokemon, and evolve it into Marshtomp (at level 16), then into Swampert (at level 36).
In Pokemon SoulSilver, Marshtomp evolves into Swampert at level 36. See the link below.
you find it in the wild in johto region
You can find wild Houndour in route 7 and in the Safari Zone. From there, evolve it into Houndoom.
No. You can get one from the Global Trade Center,from the PalPark, or find a wild one. To get one from the PalPark,you will need a Gameboy Advanced game with a Swampert in it,and trade it over.If you finish your Pokedex,you can then go to the PalPark and catch it. To find one in the wild,you will also need to finish your Pokedex.When you get your national pokedex,you will be able to encounter more pokemon.
You can't find it from the wild, only trade it while it holding a Dubious Disc.
You cannot find a wild squirtle. You can get one from professor oakafter all 16 gyms are completed or trade from d and p or platium
Charizard isn't wild
Find a body of water Use surf Wild Pokemon will be able to battle you, this will include starmie.
You'll have to either evolve it from Lotad, trade for it, or transfer it from the older DS games. You cannot find it in the wild.