You can either trade an onix holding a metal coat or wait until Whitney calls you after a rematch between you and her
You need to trade an Onix holding a Metal Coat.
you trade your onix with it holding a metal coat
it doesnt.....unless pokemon brings up the next pokemon and shows steelix's evolution
There are lots of good pokemon. Some are: Crobat, golem, steelix, victreebal, gengar,poliwrath, gyrados, hypno, alakazam, forretress( dont hate me for that one), nidoqueen and nidoking,yanmega, scizor, muk, granbull, ninetales, arcanine, etc.
To get a Shedinja in Pokemon Heart Gold you must trade it from either Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald. Jacko25
well when you beat jasmine at a rematch go back to her gym.she will give you a steelix for any pokemon(Thats right any pokemon) the steelix will be holding a shoothe bell
After a Rematch st the Fighting Dojo in Saffron City, then she will be waiting at her Gym. Then you can trade for her Steelix. Only Heart Gold and Soul Silver. Not Gold, Silver, and Crystal. If you want a Steelix, then you need a Onix (the evolvtion from Steelix) and a Metal Coat then trade it. Then it will evolve. If you have two simalar games, then you should trade it to yourself.
Trade onix holding a metal coat
You need to trade an Onix holding a Metal Coat.
you trade your onix with it holding a metal coat
It's Darkrai. You can't get him in Heart Gold.
Trade it while holding metalcoat. By sujay in TAMILNADU
Pokemon Heart gold is different from Pokemon Gold cuz heart gold has better graphics new Pokemon and new events
it doesnt.....unless pokemon brings up the next pokemon and shows steelix's evolution
There are lots of good pokemon. Some are: Crobat, golem, steelix, victreebal, gengar,poliwrath, gyrados, hypno, alakazam, forretress( dont hate me for that one), nidoqueen and nidoking,yanmega, scizor, muk, granbull, ninetales, arcanine, etc.
To get a Shedinja in Pokemon Heart Gold you must trade it from either Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald. Jacko25