To get a Shedinja in Pokemon Heart Gold you must trade it from either Pokemon Ruby, Sapphire or Emerald.
Of course
you don't get the red orb in Pokemon heart gold you get the blue orb that you use to get kyogre
Geodude evolves after level 35 in heart gold
You can't get the azure flute in Pokemon heart gold you have to trade it from an older game than heart gold. Sorry :(
shedinja's powers lack the consistency of Pokemon
It's Darkrai. You can't get him in Heart Gold.
Pokemon Heart gold is different from Pokemon Gold cuz heart gold has better graphics new Pokemon and new events
Shedinja, with an HP of 1!
Shedinja is the last evelution so no, he can't evolve.
Extrememly. The only Pokemon I know of that has it, is Shedinja. (Which is obtained by evolving Nincada (available in Emerald, and in Heart Gold/Soul Silver, in the National Park, AFTER you get the National Dex, and defeat Elite Four)). But to get Shedinja, you MUST have an open spot in your team, and a Pokeball in your bag. Literally a Pokeball. Maybe other balls work, haven't tried.
Shedinja is just a normal bug type pokemon with nothing special..the game doesn't CHANGE if you dont have or have that pokemon..but is considered a rare pokemon.
you cannot get him in heart gold only from events.
Shedinja is #292 in the national pokedex, and it is a Bug-Ghost type Pokemon.