Near the place where was sudowoodo there is fat human. He will give it to you. (its only TM)
ps: sory for the gramatical errors
in violet city at the west standing a fat guy he have rock smash
in Pokemon silver, gold, crystal, yellow, blue or red rock smash don't exist. in the new versions rock smash is a HM.
you must get the hm rock smash, if the bolders are a redish-brown with cracks then you can smash the rocks
You must learn rock smash. You get that from a man standing in the right of you you when you have beaten sudowoodo
Rock Smash is TM08 in Gold and Silver, is a newer move and therefore is not usable or findable in Pokemon Red, Blue or Yellow.
You get a rock pokemon. Like Onyx.
Use Rock Smash outside the Ruins of Alph.
in violet city at the west standing a fat guy he have rock smash
in Pokemon silver, gold, crystal, yellow, blue or red rock smash don't exist. in the new versions rock smash is a HM.
Rock Smash is not present in Red version. The move was added in Gold, Silver, and Crystal version.
you need rock smash in caves but i didnt learn rock smash to my pokemon team. you have to use it on a pokemon thats not important
you must get the hm rock smash, if the bolders are a redish-brown with cracks then you can smash the rocks
use rock smash to break the big rock
You must learn rock smash. You get that from a man standing in the right of you you when you have beaten sudowoodo
Rock smash is on route 36 in Heart Gold. Talk to the ugly fat guy standing by the black apricot tree.
Rock Smash is TM08 in Gold and Silver, is a newer move and therefore is not usable or findable in Pokemon Red, Blue or Yellow.
HM04 In Heart Gold and Soul Silver is Rock Smash.