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use rock smash to break the big rock

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Q: How do you move the rock near rock tunnel in shiny gold?
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How does haunter evolve in shiny gold computer ROM?

In Shiny Gold which is a ROM hack of fire red. In SHINY gold version haunter evolves via lvl up the official Pokemon Community thread indicates so ( in the Q&A near the bottom Zel did not specify at which level though.

Tunnel near milford sound?

homer tunnel

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beat chuck. then talk to chuck's wife near the gym. she'll give you fly.

What is the tunnel near milford sounds?

The road tunnel to Milford is called the Homer tunnel.

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you go to goldenrod tow an you will see a tunnel that is like near the health center and u go through there

What is the place near the chesapeake bay bridge tunnel?

There are many "places" near the tunnel. Question should be more specific.

What is the tunnel near Milford Sound called?

The Homer Tunnel was opened in 1954.

Where do you find the ticket?

In the bin near the tunnel entrance.

Where is digletts tunnel in Pokemon FireRed?

It is near vermilon.

How do you get shiny magikarp?

go to the lake near twinleaf their you will find the shiny evolved form of magikarp

Where is the tunnel near milford sounds?

The Homer Tunnel, piercing the Homer Saddle between the Upper Hollyford and the Cleddau Rivers,

How do you get the togipe egg on Pokemon Gold?

go to the 3rd gym town and go in the under ground area there's a lady near the tunnel where you need to go to get the rocket key talk to her and you'll get the egg