In Shiny Gold which is a ROM hack of fire red. In SHINY gold version haunter evolves via lvl up the official Pokemon Community thread indicates so ( in the Q&A near the bottom Zel did not specify at which level though.
They evolve naturally, ie graveler at level 40.
haunter has to be traded to evlove haunter evolve into gengar in level 42
you have to trade
don't worry in shiny gold seadra evolve to kingdra at lv 50 :)
IT evolves at level 40 only in shiny gold
They evolve naturally, ie graveler at level 40.
haunter has to be traded to evlove haunter evolve into gengar in level 42
Hello it evolves around the levels 38-42. I know because i have the ROM hack
you have to trade
evolve gastly.
don't worry in shiny gold seadra evolve to kingdra at lv 50 :)
yes it will. ex: a shiny gold magikarp will evolve in to a shiny red garados.
IT evolves at level 40 only in shiny gold
At level 40 only in shiny gold
The only way is to trade it. You'll need to trade for a Haunter or Gengar if you want to own one.
You give it a Shiny Stone to make it evolve into Togekiss. I guess you give it a Shiny Stone, but I had a level 90 Togetic and it didn't evolve for me.
Catch a Gastly (either in Burned Tower in Ecruteak City or in Sprout Tower in Violet City) and evolve it to a Haunter (it evolves at level 25). When you have a Haunter, just trade it and it will evolve into Gengar.