The only way is to trade it. You'll need to trade for a Haunter or Gengar if you want to own one.
haunter has to be traded to evlove haunter evolve into gengar in level 42
Catch a Gastly (either in Burned Tower in Ecruteak City or in Sprout Tower in Violet City) and evolve it to a Haunter (it evolves at level 25). When you have a Haunter, just trade it and it will evolve into Gengar.
There is no NPC who you can trade a Haunter to for a Gengar in Pokemon Crystal. To get Gengar you will need to trade with another player or a copy of Pokemon Gold, Silver or Crystal.
you have to trade
They evolve naturally, ie graveler at level 40.
haunter has to be traded to evlove haunter evolve into gengar in level 42
Catch a Gastly (either in Burned Tower in Ecruteak City or in Sprout Tower in Violet City) and evolve it to a Haunter (it evolves at level 25). When you have a Haunter, just trade it and it will evolve into Gengar.
There is no NPC who you can trade a Haunter to for a Gengar in Pokemon Crystal. To get Gengar you will need to trade with another player or a copy of Pokemon Gold, Silver or Crystal.
you have to trade
evolve gastly.
They evolve naturally, ie graveler at level 40.
you get ur gameboy coulor get a usb cable then strap it to another gba coulor then get say Pokemon red,blue,gold,yellow. then trade a haunter for anyfink then trade back tada!!! instand gengar:)(:):(:):():():():()hohohohohoho9090909
Hello it evolves around the levels 38-42. I know because i have the ROM hack
No. It doesnot evolve in pokemon gold
To get Gengar you must link trade Gastly with a friend that has a 4th generation game (Diamond,Pearl,Platinum,Heartgold,Soulsilver) and then it will evolve into gengar.
Rhydon cannot evolve in Pokemon Silver/Gold/Crystal.
Snorlax does not evolve. In gold, it is a non-evolutionary pokemon.