Nope! Not at all sorry. Out the first 151 kanto pokemon, there are four that need to be traded in order to evolve. They are: Graveler -> Golem Machoke -> Machamp Kadabra -> Alakazam Haunter -> Gengar
You cannot evolve Machoke into Machamp without trading Machoke, it must be traded in order to evolve it, there is no other way to evolve it.
Poliwhirl, Kadabra, Machoke, Graveler, Slowpoke, Haunter, Onix, Rhydon, Seadra, Scyther, Electabuzz, Magmar, Porygon, Porygon2, Dusclops and Clamperl are all of the Pokémon who can evolve through trading with another game.
Gastly evolves to Haunter at lv25. And Haunter evolves to Gengar after trading.
there is no possible way to make him evolve with out trading. you have to trade to make kadabra, haunter, and many others to evolve
Kadabra, machoke, haunter 'Just trading' - Kadabra; Machoke; Graveler; Haunter.
Machoke, Haunter, Graveler, Kadabra.
Machoke, Kadabra, Graveler, Haunter... Loads...
Abra machop geodude and gastly but you have to evolve them into the second form so Kadabra graveler machoke and haunter
All of Pokemon evolve without trading EXCEPT- Kadabra Dusclops Electabuzz Haunter Graveler Clamperl Seadra Machoke Magmar Poliwhirl Porygon & 2 Rhydon Scyther Slowbro Onix The list of Pokemon can evolve with trading.
By trading machoke
in order to evolve machoke you have to trade it
This means a Pokemon will evolve during a trade some example Pokemon that evolve during trade are: Haunter, Graveler, Machoke. There are plenty more than that so keep trading.
in any Pokemon you evolve haunter by trading
i will but u get me the Pokemon above
Machoke can only evolve after its been traded
Yes, unless you ask the person you are trading with, to cancel the evolution.