You cannot evolve Machoke into Machamp without trading Machoke, it must be traded in order to evolve it, there is no other way to evolve it.
Machoke cannot evolve without trading, it must be traded in order to evolve into Machamp.
All that you have to do to make your Machoke evolve into a Machamp is trade it. But make sure that the person you are trading it with will give it back!
They evolve naturally, ie graveler at level 40.
You cant evolve machoke up by levelling him up. You have to trade to evolve machoke.
There is no legitimate way to evolve it without trading.
Machoke cannot evolve without trading, it must be traded in order to evolve into Machamp.
MACHOKE EVOlve by trading
in order to evolve machoke you have to trade it
By trading machoke
Machoke can only evolve after its been traded
machoke does,nt evolve by level it evolves by trading!
All of Pokemon evolve without trading EXCEPT- Kadabra Dusclops Electabuzz Haunter Graveler Clamperl Seadra Machoke Magmar Poliwhirl Porygon & 2 Rhydon Scyther Slowbro Onix The list of Pokemon can evolve with trading.
Machop evolves into machoke at lvl 28, and then into machamp by trading.
All that you have to do to make your Machoke evolve into a Machamp is trade it. But make sure that the person you are trading it with will give it back!
I'm not positive, but I think you have to trade it.
It evolves to Machoke at level 28. Then, you can evolve it right after into Machamp through trading it.
Machoke doesn't evolve by level, it evolves by trading between two games.