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in violet city at the west standing a fat guy he have rock smash

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Q: Where do you get hm rock smash in Pokemon heart gold?
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How many times you have to use rock smash in Pokemon heart gold?

you need rock smash in caves but i didnt learn rock smash to my pokemon team. you have to use it on a pokemon thats not important

Were do you use rock smash to get the Helix Fossil in Pokemon Heart Gold?

Use Rock Smash outside the Ruins of Alph.

Where can you find a heart scale on Pokemon heart gold?

you have to use hm rock smash on rocks to find them.

What Pokemon can learn rock smash in Heart Gold?

Geodude,Lickytung,graveler,golem,Totodile and its evolutions can to

How do you get rock smash in hart gold?

You get a rock pokemon. Like Onyx.

Where to find hm rock smash in Pokemon heart gold?

In Pokémon HeartGold, you can find the Rock Smash HM in Route 36, a fat guy will give it to you.yes. but flash in no longer an HM

Where to find heart scale in Pokemon Heart Gold?

Well its very very rare but its in rocks that can be smashed with rock smash. Or you can use your diamond or pearl game and trade a Pokemon over holding it.

How do you find rock smash in Pokemon?

In pokemon Diamond and pearl you find it in Obrehe Town ( near Jublify City) right outside of the cave (entrace) off a man once you beat him.In heart gold, you can find rock smash west of violet town. talk to the fat guy there and he will give you rock smash. :)

How do you get rock smash on Pokemon Red?

Rock Smash is TM08 in Gold and Silver, is a newer move and therefore is not usable or findable in Pokemon Red, Blue or Yellow.

How do you smash the boulders in Pokemon Gold?

you must get the hm rock smash, if the bolders are a redish-brown with cracks then you can smash the rocks

Pokemon red version where to get rocksmash?

there is no rock smash in Pokemon Red. there are only 5 HM's in Red version. the rock smash was introduced in the Silver and Gold versions.

What level onix learn rock smash?

in Pokemon silver, gold, crystal, yellow, blue or red rock smash don't exist. in the new versions rock smash is a HM.