in Pokemon silver, gold, crystal, yellow, blue or red rock smash don't exist.
in the new versions rock smash is a HM.
not, you will need to use tm80, rock slide, on onix.
Rock Smash is a Hm you get when you get to the third gym. So, he doesn't learn it but you can make him learn it with that Hm
it cant, use a hm to make him learn it!
YOU can use a TM teach geodude rocksmash
Geodude learns rock smash by teaching it the HM move rock smash.
not, you will need to use tm80, rock slide, on onix.
Generation I: Level 19 Generation II: Level 14 Generation III: FRLG: 12 RSE: 13 Generation IV: Level 9 Generation V: BW: Level 9 B2W2: Level 7
Rock Smash is a Hm you get when you get to the third gym. So, he doesn't learn it but you can make him learn it with that Hm
it cant, use a hm to make him learn it!
No, it cannot learn Rock Smash.
YOU can use a TM teach geodude rocksmash
Geodude learns rock smash by teaching it the HM move rock smash.
no Pokemon can learn rock smash by leveling up you have to get the hm.
No Oddish cannot learn Rock Smash.
In Pokémon Diamond and Pearl, the moves that Onix can learn via level-up would include Rock Throw, Tackle, Mud Sport, Harden, Screech, Bind, Rage, Sandstorm, Slam, Rock Tomb, Double-edge, Iron Tail, Rock Polish, Dragonbreath, Sand Tomb and Stone Edge.
Wingull cannot Rock Smash, try teaching it to Linoone or Bidoof.