Rock Smash is a Hm you get when you get to the third gym. So, he doesn't learn it but you can make him learn it with that Hm
in Pokemon silver, gold, crystal, yellow, blue or red rock smash don't exist. in the new versions rock smash is a HM.
it cant, use a hm to make him learn it!
YOU can use a TM teach geodude rocksmash
Geodude learns rock smash by teaching it the HM move rock smash.
no Pokemon can learn rock smash by leveling up you have to get the hm.
Combusken learns it's first Fighting-type move at Level 16, the same level Torchic evolves into Combusken.Level 16 - Double KickLevel 28 - Bulk UpLevel 50 - Sky UppercutOf course, Combusken can learn a Fighting-type TM/HM anytime. The TMs/HMs include:TM01 Focus PunchTM08 Bulk UpTM31 Brick BreakHM06 Rock Smash
Geodude, Graveler, Golum, Hitmonchan, Hitmonlee....basically your classic ground and fighting types, the only exception i know of is Combusken (the second level which evolved from Torchic.)
in Pokemon silver, gold, crystal, yellow, blue or red rock smash don't exist. in the new versions rock smash is a HM.
it cant, use a hm to make him learn it!
No, it cannot learn Rock Smash.
YOU can use a TM teach geodude rocksmash
Geodude learns rock smash by teaching it the HM move rock smash.
no Pokemon can learn rock smash by leveling up you have to get the hm.
No Oddish cannot learn Rock Smash.
Wingull cannot Rock Smash, try teaching it to Linoone or Bidoof.
Abra cannot learn Rock Smash. Abra can learn some TMs which help a lot as it doesn't learn any attack moves by itself until it evolves.