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Buy "Herbert's Revenge" Ds video game. ( you can get them at Best Buy, Walmart, Kmart, and Game Stop) Then unlock the codes online. You get 1500 coins, the puffle whistle and the the EPF spy coat.

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Q: How do you get new spy suit on club penguin?
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Where is the old spy phone club penguin?

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At club Penguin! At club Penguin!

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On Club Penguin is there going to be an 11th spy mission If there is when?

Yes, there is a new mission coming to club penguin, and the date is 26th December.

How do you use the new spy phone on club penguin?

Click On It You Stupid Dummy!

Can you were spy medals on Club Penguin?


Where to get the spy glass in club penguin field ops?

If you finish club penguin op blackout you will get a spy glass and lot of equipments

How many days to be a spy in club penguin?

It takes 30 days to be a spy, and 45 days to be a tour guide in club penguin.

Where is it when you are hiding on Club Penguin?

there are club penguin hideouts for spy agents and there is the dojo hideout for ninjas :) you can get into these by asking to be a spy and earning your belt :) :)

What are the agent spy sheep on Club Penguin?

They are a club penguin "clan" sort of thing

What are the coin codes for Club Penguin?

codes from club penguin toys have a code on them to get club penguin coins. they men the spy quest

When will they make a new spy mission on club penguin?

it usually takes 2 or 3 months