keep betting against bobby sawyer on drift king events mostly the rocks because it has the biggest space.
Dont no but if you go on club penguin money it gave me a 100,000
as far as i can remember there is at least 76-78 cars that i have unlocked by League 1 I found League 4, and 3 hard to go thru and League 2 easy 2 pass but I'm dreading going thru League 1 as i hate drift endurance, if there is anyone out there willing to sell me a memory card that has Juiced 2: HIN just send me a mail on facebook my name on it is Blake Lonsdale. [[User:|]]Dark_Knight399[[User:|]]
To find out how to win a bet in Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights, check out the related link.
I have tryed do find a way to play split screen on the play stadion 3 juiced 2, but I cant find it possible. I have look anywhere but I cant find it. It is 2 player on juiced 2 it is hide very well.
You unlock it when you reach League 4
if u unlock a book u get money a a book and in the rest of them u get money loads and loads of money!!!!!!!!
Johan Hin died in 1957.
Sao Hin's population is 2,691.
Frans Hin died in 1968.
Frans Hin was born in 1906.
Cornelis Hin was born in 1869.
Cornelis Hin died in 1944.
Kees Hin was born in 1936.
Johan Hin was born in 1899.