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you can put ditto with a Pokemon in the day care. or two Pokemon of opposite gender. doesn't work with non gender Pokemon like lugia or porygon.

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Q: How do you get Pokemon egg soul silver?
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What Pokemon is in the mysterious egg in Pokemon soul silver?

Togepi....i think

Can you get a shiny Pokemon out of a egg in soul silver?

Yes, you can get a shiny Pokemon out of an egg on any game.

What comes in the mystery egg in Pokemon soul silver?

it is a togepi

In Pokemon soul silver can you change the Pokemon you get in the egg at the beggening of the game?

No, you'll always get a Togepi.

Can Togepi lay an egg in Pokemon soul silver?

No. You must evolve it into a Togetic.

Is there a Pokemon that can help make a egg hatch faster in Pokemon soul silver?

If you have a magmar with you on your team that will help.

Can you get an egg from a legendary Pokemon on Pokemon soul silver?

No the only exeption is spiritomb only it can lay eggs

How do you get a shiny Pokemon egg in Pokemon soul silver?

it is very hard. you have to get very lucky or use a cheat

What is inside the Pokemon egg you give to professor elm from Mr Pokemon in soul silver?

Togepi, just like in the original Gold and Silver.

How do you know if your Pokemon had a egg in soul silver?

The Day Care Man will call you on your Pokegear.

How many steps does it take to hatch a Munchlax egg in Pokemon Soul Silver?

A thousand!