In Pokemon Gold, Team Rocket has been defeated and the Silph Co. office building is mostly empty. The player can go inside and find an Upgrade item however.
in the silph co. building.
get all the bags then
You can receive it from Steven in Silph.
You can't.
Go to saffron in kanto and it is somewhere behind the pokemon center
in the silph co. building.
get all the bags then
You can receive it from Steven in Silph.
You can't.
Go to saffron in kanto and it is somewhere behind the pokemon center
It is the silph company.
There is no silph scope in gold version.
Steven is in Silph Co. in Saffron city
In HeartGold and SoulSilver, you can access the 1st floor of Silph Co. as soon as you enter Saffron City however you can't go into the elevator in order to get to the 2nd floor unless you have a Rotom as your lead Pokemon.
You cannot get to Hoenn in Heartgold as it is a remake of the generation 2 game, Pokemon Gold and the only regions available in Heartgold are Johto and Kanto. You can however, obtain one of the three Hoenn starters by visiting a man from Hoenn at the Silph Co. building in Saffron City.
It seems like your talking about Pokemon Red rather than Pokemon Gold because in Pokemon Red,Lapras is in the Rockets hideout in Silph Co in Saffron City where i believe your given Lapras by someone (Bill??) near the top of the building... But in Pokemon Gold,Lapras is found deep in Union Cave which is between Violet City and Azalea town, But the Lapras is only there on Friday Mornings,so if you go there any other time the Lapras won't be there...
its the same as crystal version , first you need to get in team rocket hidout in ecruteak city go every door where in a door then there is a stair going down battle all team rocket a man will say "oh! i drop my silph scope" then youll get itYou can't obtain the silph scope in Pokemon heartgold.