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its the same as crystal version , first you need to get in team rocket hidout in ecruteak city go every door where in a door then there is a stair going down battle all team rocket a man will say "oh! i drop my silph scope" then youll get it
You can't obtain the silph scope in Pokemon heartgold.

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Q: How do you get the silph scope in Pokemon Gold?
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How do you get silph scope in gold?

There is no silph scope in gold version.

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The silph scope is not in silph co its in the game corner.

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Defeat team rocket at the game corner to get the silph scope.

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There is no silph scope in Silver, as Lavender Tower doesn't exist anymore.

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You have to go to Silph Co in Pokemon LeafGreen. You have to go there to get the Silph scope, which you need to advance.

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Where is the silph scope in Pokemon Crystal?

There isn't one.

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How do you get the silph scope in ed Pokemon?

You will be rewarded with the Silph Scope once you defeat Giovanni in the basement of the Game Corner in Celadon City.

Why do you need the silph scope from team rocket?

The SILPH SCOPE is an item used to see the Pokemon "GHOSTs" in POKEMON TOWER (which is located near the entrance of LAVENDER TOWN) that appear randomly in the upper levels of the tower. You will need the SILPH SCOPE to reach the highest level of POKEMON TOWER. This item is fairly easy to obtain, as long as your Pokemon are in good health and can successfully protect you. And that, my fellow Pokemon fan, is why you need the SILPH SCOPE.