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There is a move tutor west of pastoria city who will teach it to one of your Pokemon for 6 blue shards and 2 red shards ;)

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Q: How do you get fire punch in platinum?
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Where can find aTM fire punch in Pokemon platinum?

fire punch isn't a TM in platinum. There is a move tutor who will teach it to your Pokemon. it is the tutor on the route west of pastoria city

How can you teach Groudon fire punch?

Move tutor only in Pokemon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver.

What are the best moves to teach regigigas?

Confuse Ray Fire Punch Ice Punch Knock Off Thunderpunch Dizzy Punch (Platinum) Foresight (Platinum) Mega Punch (Diamond & Pearl) Stomp (Diamond & Pearl) Revenge (Platinum) Superpower (Diamond and Pearl) Zen Headbutt Crush Grip Giga Impact

Where is focus punch in light platinum?

Focus punch is in the victory road by the end

Can flareon learn fire punch?

No, Flareon cannot learn Fire Punch

Should you leave your darmanitan with fire punch or teach it flamethrower?

fire punch

What are the best moves to win a beauty contest in Pokemon platinum?

lets see. well first you need a medicham teach it Meditate fire/ice punch NOT thunder punch doesn't matter didn't you read the above!

What is TM 60 in Pokemon Platinum?

Tm 60 in Pokemon Platinum is drain punch

Does luxray learn thunder punch in Pokemon platinum?


How do you learn fire punch on Pokemon diamond?

You can only "learn" Fire Punch in Diamond via breeding a Pokemon with another who already knows Fire Punch (Magmar for example)

Where do you find the TM ice punch in Pokemon platinum?

Ice Punch cannot be found as a TM in Pokemon Platinum. Ice Punch was TM 33 in Pokemon Gold and Silver but TM 33 was changed to Reflect since then meaning Ice Punch is no longer a TM move.

What level does a duramaka learn fire punch?

Darumaka learn fire punch at level 22Hope I helped