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Move tutor only in Pokemon Platinum, HeartGold and SoulSilver.

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Q: How can you teach Groudon fire punch?
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How do you teach your Golem fire punch on Pokemon diamond?

At the move tutor.

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ELECTEVIRE is better because you can teach him fire punch

Where can you get fire blitz in soul silver?

Fire Punch is not a TM and therefore, cannot be found. However, certain Pokemon can learn this move naturally.Pokemon that learns naturally:HitmonchanMagmarMagmortarMagbyDragoniteAmpharosBlazikenMedichamDusclopsDusknoirElectivireRegigigasThere is also a Move Tutor that can teach Fire Punch.

Can you teach a Moltres solar beam in Pokemon LeafGreen?

no you cant, groudon is a legendary fire type tht has solarbeam

Where can find aTM fire punch in Pokemon platinum?

fire punch isn't a TM in platinum. There is a move tutor who will teach it to your Pokemon. it is the tutor on the route west of pastoria city

Where do you get fire punchice punchthunderpunch?

There is a move tutor to the west of Pastoria city that will teach Thunder and Fire punch to certain Pokemon if you have the correct shards.

Is Groudon fire type?

No, Groudon is a Ground-type Pokemon, but its Mega Evolve form is a Ground/Fire-type.

My Infernape has the moves sword dance flare blitz close combat and mach punch but flare blitz isn't working for me coz it dies after a couple of hits should i teach it flame wheel instead?

If you can, teach a stronger fire attack, like overheat, flamethrower, or fireblast. But if you can't teach him one of those, then teach it flame wheelIs this competitive?If it is then have this set252 attack/252 speed/6 HpLife Orb-Swords dance-Mach Punch/Stone Edge-Close Combat-Fire Punch/Blaze KickIf not then get thisClose Combat, Earthquake/Stone Edge, flamethrower/Fire blast,Grass Knot (for bertha of elite 4)

Is it a good idea to teach a Lucario Level 45 Fire Punch or Force Palm?

Yes!!! Force palm is a move that Riolu learns. Fire punch can't be learned i think. Lucario is a steel (and fighting) type too. So fire types are good... And again if you can I would teach it if you have Empoleon Prinplup (ECT) so your rival has Grotle Torterra (Ect again) So it would destroy him... This is the chart of starter Pokemon types Fire->Grass->water->fire and on and on...

Can flareon learn fire punch?

No, Flareon cannot learn Fire Punch