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No, Groudon is a Ground-type Pokemon, but its Mega Evolve form is a Ground/Fire-type.

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9y ago

No, Groudon is ground type.

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Q: Is Groudon fire type
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What type is Primal Groudon in Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire?

Primal Groudon is a fire and Ground-type Pokémon and will be seen in the Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire game.

What is the rarest Pokémon in Pokémon ruby?

The rarest you can get is groudon who is a fire-machine type pokemon.

What is the best fire type in Pokemon ruby?

blaziken, or groudon but a high level camarupt is good 2 yes i think its Blaziken or groudon but it also depends on lvl

What do you need to do to beat Groudon for the first time in mystery dungeon red rescue team?

use water or grass type moves to beat it although most people think Groudon is a fire and ground type but it is only a ground type fortunately.

Can you teach a Moltres solar beam in Pokemon LeafGreen?

no you cant, groudon is a legendary fire type tht has solarbeam

What does Groudon learn at level 75 in Emerald?

It learns eruption with 150 power and 100 accuracy. It only has 5PP and it is fire type.

Who is stronger kyogre or Groudon?

i think kyogre is most strong because fire dosent hurt water but water hurts fire.I think that Kyorge is stronger because Groudon does have a grass type move (Solarbeam) which can take out Kyorge. But Kyorge has lots of water type moves so it can take down Groudon easy.

What type is Groudon?


What does the fire orb in Pokemon do?

It is one of the steps to catching Groudon.

What Pokemon is strong against slakoth and vigoroth?

The type and Pokemon strong to Vigoroth and Slakoth. Type: Fire, Electric, Ground. Pokemon: Infernape, Raichu, Groudon/Hippowdon. Hope this helped.

Is Kyogre better than Groudon?

Yes, Kyogre counters Groudon because of its type advantages of Water v. Ground Even though Groudon can have Solar Beam which can kill Kyogre, Kyogre's attacks can easily beat Groudon in a 1 to 1 match.

What is the national pokedex number for Groudon?

Groudon is #383 in the National Pokedex, and it is a Ground-type Pokemon.